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CEO 2023-24 Session #5

Thank you for a great session in Meridian! We've uploaded Dr. Benton's Crosswalk with the Poverty Toolkit. I've also uploaded Dr. Leonard's PowerPoint for your review. Additionally, since we ran out of time during the Superintendent's Panel discussion, I wanted to share some things about chronic absenteeism because that was a great question! I have worked with school improvement in Alaska, and chronic attendance is a huge issue there. It seems the more you can involve the families in activities such as a Family Literacy Night, and celebrate attendance along the way with weekly acknowledgments, you can achieve better attendance results! This is a great way to build and create a culture where students want to be at school. Another idea is to help organize teams of parents and teachers that can serve as mentors to help both students and parents obtain what they need to get their students to school. I also uploaded a PDF on ways to help with attendance which we featured in our PREPS Memo this past September.- Thank you for being a beacon of light in your schools! - Patti
  • MPGS Alignment with HIPP8.12.23.pdf
  • MS AdministratorStandards8.12FINAL.pdf
  • Chronic Absenteeism
  • Dr. Leonard's Presentation - Meridian
  • Reflection and Scenarios Upload for December - Due by January 11
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed